Appendix 2.16

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Line 167: Line 167:
-{| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse;"+The Chartered Teacher Embraces and actively promotes the values, principals and practices of equality and social justice in all aspects of his/her practice.
-|+ Educational and social values+
-! width="100px"+
-<p>The Chartered Teacher Embraces and actively promotes the values, principals and practices of equality and social justice in all aspects of his/her practice.</p><p>* relating practice to wider school aims and social values</p>+
-Critical self-evaluation and development:+* relating practice to wider school aims and social values
 +* articulating a personal, independent and critical stance in relation to contrasting perspectives on educational issues, policies and developments,
-Impact and evidence of sustained enhanced practice: 
 +'''Critical self-evaluation and development:'''
 +The Chartered Teacher demonstrates a sustained commitment and capacity to systematically evaluate and reflect upon his/her effectiveness as a teacher and as a leader of learning in order to further develop his/her practice.
 +* reflect and evaluate on practice and constantly seeks to improve learning experiences,
 +* ensure that teaching is informed by reading and research,
 +'''Impact and evidence of sustained enhanced practice:'''
 +The underpinning values and commitments of the Chartered Teacher ensure that pupils' self-esteem, well-being and the development and promotion of successful learning experiences are central to all aspects of his/her practice.
-Collaboration with, and influence on, colleagues:+* effect further progress in all aspects of pupils' learning and development,
 +* create and sustain a positive climate for learning,
 +* use a variety of strategies which enhance individual pupils' learning,
 +'''Collaboration with, and influence on, colleagues:'''
 +The Chartered Teacher plays a leading role in the professional development of colleagues and makes a recognised contribution to the educational effectiveness of the school and the wider professional community.
 +* contributes to enhancing the quality of the educational experience provided by the school and to the wider professional context of teaching.

Current revision





1. Introduction

The SNCT has updated this Code of Practice following the SNCT Agreement on the Role and Enhanced Contribution of Chartered Teachers and Future Pay Arrangements as outlined in circular 12/35.

2. Background

In 2009 the SNCT agreed guidance on the role of the Chartered Teacher which was issued as a Code of Practice taking into account the revised Standard for Chartered Teachers.

The SNCT continues to recognise that Chartered Teachers and those who were working towards achieving the Standard bring benefits to the school or wider educational community through the impact of their professional actions.

3. The Enhanced Contribution of the Chartered Teacher

All Chartered Teachers will display the four components in the Standard for Chartered Teacher – Professional Values and Personal Commitment, Professional Knowledge and Understanding, Professional Skills and Abilities and the Associated Professional Actions.

The Chartered Teacher and those who were working towards the Standard remain primarily classroom teachers and should not be regarded as part of the school’s management structure. Therefore, the contribution which could be made must be consistent with the duties of a teacher as set out in the SNCT Handbook, should maintain the primacy of the teacher’s focus in learning and teaching and must be both realistic and capable of being delivered within the 35 hour working week and a school’s Working Time Agreement. It must also reflect the Chartered Teacher’s own expertise which will take account of their teaching experience, interests, Career-Long Professional Learning (CLPL) and programmes of study undertaken.

4. Professional Review and Development (PRD)

The SNCT has agreed that the PRD process provides a means to facilitate dialogue about how Chartered Teachers make a distinctive contribution to the school and education community, taking full cognisance of the professional actions contained in the revised Standard for Chartered Teachers under the following headings:

  • Educational and social values
  • Critical self-evaluation and development
  • Impact and evidence of sustained enhanced practice
  • Collaboration with, and influence on, colleagues

The PRD process requires reference to the CLPL needs of Chartered Teachers and those who were on the Chartered Teacher Programme and to school and authority improvement plans. The PRD process for Chartered Teachers and those who were working towards achieving the standard should record the planned and agreed contribution to be made by that person in the year ahead.

The process will identify both the contribution to be made and the time and resources required to facilitate the contribution.

The use of the PRD process builds on the existing good practice of professional review procedures agreed by LNCTs. It is crucial that the managers who lead the process are fully conversant with the revised Standard for Chartered Teachers (2009), SNCT guidance on the Role and Enhanced Contribution of Chartered Teachers (2012) and with this updated Code of Practice on the role of the Chartered Teacher (2012). Further advice on the PRD process is set out in Annex 1.

5. Chartered Teachers as Leaders of Learning

The SNCT has acknowledged the evolving and diverse models of educational leadership. While the debate on models such as distributed and distributive leadership will continue to evolve the SNCT endorses the growing movement away from the traditional concept of leadership within schools simply being the responsibility of the head teacher and senior managers to the view that every qualified teacher has, by definition, a leadership role to play.

A broader range of staff, including Chartered Teachers, will have a leadership role promoting inclusiveness, and contributing towards enhancing a culture of collegiality as set out in the SNCT Code of Practice on Collegiality. The Chartered Teacher should be able to promote and develop creative approaches to teaching and learning and contribute to the quality of educational experience.

Professional Actions and Illustrative Examples

The Revised Standard for Chartered Teachers stated that "Chartered Teachers are expected to be at the forefront of critically engaging with practice and to take a leading role in its development and implementation of change in current and future educational initiatives." The professional actions required of the Chartered Teacher are set out in Annex 2. Illustrative examples of the professional actions are set out below, the list of which is not intended to be exhaustive or prescriptive.

(a) Leading and/or contributing to projects.

The Chartered Teacher could introduce focused projects to initiate change.

Such projects could relate to, for example, pupil health and wellbeing, eco schools, equal opportunities, citizenship or enterprise; and may involve identifying and promoting practices within the school which support and develop citizenship, personal responsibility, social competence, justice and life in a multi ethnic society.

Alternatively this may involve working as a leading member of a team, inside and/or outside the classroom, to share good practice, improve teaching and learning and develop a range of appropriate resources with a view to enhancing attainment and achievement across the school and/or educational community.

(b) Supporting, advising and mentoring colleagues.

All Chartered Teachers should demonstrate, promote and lead effective quality learning and teaching and effective and innovative practice in and beyond the classroom. They will be able to create, promote, lead and sustain a positive and challenging learning environment by actively engaging with others in the critical discussion of educational policy and practice.

This might include supporting, advising and mentoring probationary teachers or students on initial teacher education programmes; working with Higher Education staff on Initial Teacher Education in the context of good practice in learning and teaching. In addition the Chartered Teacher’s modelling and sharing good practice with colleagues may assist in supporting underperforming teachers. The Chartered Teacher may support a teacher teaching a different stage or teaching a subject in which the teacher may be qualified but may not have taught previously or after a significant time interval. The Chartered Teacher may also support colleagues seeking professional recognition in other sectors or subjects.

In supporting colleagues the Chartered Teacher will be able to exemplify good practice and provide a theoretical framework for such practice, which may assist colleagues in developing their skills of self evaluation and identifying CLPL needs.

c) Developing aspects of the curriculum and leading curricular change and assessment in the school.

The Chartered Teacher will have a deep understanding of the curriculum and evaluate how it relates to learners and learning.

The Chartered Teacher is able to develop an aspect of the curriculum and promote new educational initiatives in school both as an individual and as a member of a team leading collegiate activities and professional enquiry. This may, for example, be in one area of the curriculum, a particular subject or working across the curriculum to implement Curriculum for Excellence.

The Chartered Teacher is able to be an innovator of curricular change, trialling and evaluating new areas of work, alternative methodologies or resources and new technology. He/She should also be able to access relevant research aimed at promoting effective learning and study techniques and actively share this professional analysis, knowledge and best practice with colleagues. The Chartered Teacher may have a particular expertise in knowledge and understanding of assessment frameworks and provide a leadership role in methods of assessment.

d) Leading in-service on research work or educational development

The Chartered Teacher is well placed to act in a leadership role in terms of providing support to colleagues on a range of educational initiatives. This may take the form of actively promoting and leading collegiate activities, sharing professional analysis, knowledge and best practice for the benefit of the school and wider educational community. Equally, the Chartered Teacher is able to direct colleagues towards current educational thinking, writing and research on contemporary policies and practices. Finally, the Chartered Teacher is able to support the school's improvement plan by either actively researching an agreed area or alternatively leading and supporting an objective which related to a personal area of particular expertise or interest.

e) Developing relationships in school and beyond to the wider community

A Chartered Teacher will be able to develop a range of high quality relationships in and beyond the school. This may take the form of supporting and leading cross curricular or cross sectoral initiatives in order to improve pupil experience, achievement and attainment. Equally, the Chartered Teacher will be able to promote and develop effective partnerships with parents, stakeholders and the wider community in areas such as study support, curricular workshops, or promote and support citizenship, community, business or global initiatives. Finally, the Chartered Teacher, as a result of particular expertise, may support or lead a specific area at network, cluster or local authority level.

In any agreement on the contribution to be made by the Chartered Teacher the professional actions to be undertaken must be capable of being delivered within the time and other resources provided for that purpose and having regard to the primacy of learning and teaching.

6. Conclusion

The SNCT recognises that this updated Code of Practice is to assist Chartered Teachers and those who were working towards achieving the Standard to identify the professional actions they are required to undertake as part of their enhanced contribution and to assist those who manage the PRD process.

Annex 1

Agreeing the Contribution of Chartered Teachers through the Professional Review and Development Process

The enhanced contribution to be made by the Chartered Teacher will be identified and agreed mainly through the PRD process.

The PRD process is determined locally by LNCTs.

Local guidance will set out how teachers and managers will prepare for the PRD meeting and how CLPL needs are recorded. The PRD process should be informed by mutual respect and a collegiate approach.

In relation to Chartered Teachers and those who were still working towards achieving the standard it is expected that reviewers and reviewees will be aware of both the revised Standard and this updated SNCT Code of Practice.

A number of Councils will also have issued examples of good practice to assist the process.

As for all teaching staff, the PRD process will identify and record the CLPL needs of Chartered Teachers and of those following the modular programmes who are working towards the revised Standard. These should be undertaken within the 35 hours maximum set by the SNCT for continuing professional development. In addition, the PRD process should record the planned and agreed enhanced contribution to be made in the year ahead.

For those who in session 2012/13 are allowed by SNCT exception to complete CT modules it should be recognised that their agreed contribution will largely determined by the school based actions required by their chosen programme and they are allowed to link the particular CT modules with their annual CLPL activities.

The PRD process should also identify the time and resources required to allow Chartered Teachers to provide an enhanced contribution. Chartered Teachers should not be given, as a matter of routine, reductions in weekly class commitment. The Chartered Teacher is, first and foremost, a classroom teacher who will often be required to teach up to a contractual maximum of 22.5 hours. Any additional contribution will take place within the 35 hours working week and within the arrangements agreed at establishment level through the school’s Working Time Agreement.

Some Chartered Teachers may make a contribution across schools within the educational community or at authority level. Councils should make arrangements to support such working where this is agreed with the Chartered Teacher.

Annex 2

The Standard for Chartered Teacher revised 2009 states that there are Professional Actions which relate to the enhanced contribution to be made by the Chartered Teacher. These are as follows:

Educational and social values:

The Chartered Teacher Embraces and actively promotes the values, principals and practices of equality and social justice in all aspects of his/her practice.

  • relating practice to wider school aims and social values
  • articulating a personal, independent and critical stance in relation to contrasting perspectives on educational issues, policies and developments,

Critical self-evaluation and development:

The Chartered Teacher demonstrates a sustained commitment and capacity to systematically evaluate and reflect upon his/her effectiveness as a teacher and as a leader of learning in order to further develop his/her practice.

  • reflect and evaluate on practice and constantly seeks to improve learning experiences,
  • ensure that teaching is informed by reading and research,

Impact and evidence of sustained enhanced practice:

The underpinning values and commitments of the Chartered Teacher ensure that pupils' self-esteem, well-being and the development and promotion of successful learning experiences are central to all aspects of his/her practice.

  • effect further progress in all aspects of pupils' learning and development,
  • create and sustain a positive climate for learning,
  • use a variety of strategies which enhance individual pupils' learning,

Collaboration with, and influence on, colleagues:

The Chartered Teacher plays a leading role in the professional development of colleagues and makes a recognised contribution to the educational effectiveness of the school and the wider professional community.

  • contributes to enhancing the quality of the educational experience provided by the school and to the wider professional context of teaching.