Appendix 2.1

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1.1 The salary scales and salary spines set out in Appendix 2.1 will be subject to change by decision of the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT). Each annual rate of salary and allowance shall be increased or reduced to the nearest multiple of £3.

1.2 The method and frequency of payment of salaries shall be determined by the council following consultation in the Local Negotiating Committee for Teachers (LNCT). All permanent employees should be paid their annual salary in equal instalments. Temporary employees should, where practicable, also be paid in equal instalments.

1.3 The annual salary of part time and job share employees should be pro rata to the salary of the full-time equivalent.

Teachers and Music Instructors

1.4 The salary year for teachers and music instructors shall run from 1 August in any year until 31 July of the following year.

1.5 The daily rate of pay for all teachers and music instructors will be 1/261(1) of the annual rate of salary. The hourly rate of pay will be calculated on the basis of 1/1827(2) of the annual rate of salary.

1.6 Temporary teachers will normally be employed for a complete working day session and will be paid the daily rate for each day as defined in paragraph 1.5 above.

1.7 Where a teacher is employed for less than a complete working day, the teacher will not be employed for more than one discrete block of time in any day. Teachers employed for a period of less than a complete working day shall be paid an hourly rate calculated as above. Other than in exceptional circumstances, they shall be obliged, on a pro rata basis, to undertake and be paid for all of the contractual commitments required of teachers as set out in Section 2 (Main Duties) and Section 3 (Working Year and Working Week).

Payment and Placement of Teachers on the Main Grade Scale

1.8 For salary purposes teachers, other than those in promoted posts or who have an entitlement to a conserved salary or who are on the Chartered Teacher Spine, should be placed on the Main Grade Scale. This is set out in Appendix 2.1. Placement on the Scale is determined by paragraphs 1.9 to 1.23 below.

Entering Teaching in Scotland for the First Time

1.9 Teachers during their probationary period should be placed on Point 0 of the Main Grade Scale. Following full registration with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) teachers should be moved on to Point 1 of the Main Grade Scale or to a higher point if additional salary points are awarded in accordance with paragraphs 1.16 to 1.23. Teachers who complete the probationary period at the end of the school session and achieve full registration should be moved, as prescribed above, from the first day of employment following 1 August. Teachers who, for whatever reason, complete their probationary period during a school session and obtain full registration should be moved, as prescribed above, from the first day of employment following full registration.

1.10 All other teachers who are registered with the GTCS should be placed at Point 1 of the Main Grade Scale or at a higher point where additional salary points are awarded in accordance with paragraphs 1.16 to 1.23.

Returning To Teaching

1.11 A teacher returning to teaching but still undertaking his/her probationary period is covered by the terms of paragraph 1.9 above.

1.12 All other teachers registered with GTCS returning to teaching should be placed on the same salary point on the current Main Grade Scale as he/she occupied immediately prior to leaving employment as a teacher, with the addition of salary points awarded for the period of absence from teaching (in accordance with paragraphs 1.16 to 1.23 below).

1.13 A teacher returning to teaching who was not previously on the current Main Grade Scale should be placed at Point 1 or at a higher point (in accordance with paragraphs 1.16 to 1.23).

Record of Service

1.14 A council will normally accept as accurate the record of the service of a teacher, and the calculation made to place the teacher on the Scale, which is provided by the council with whom the teacher was last employed.

Awarding Additional Salary Points for Teaching Service

1.15 A week of teaching service comprises any week in which a teacher is employed, as a teacher, by a council regardless of the number of hours worked. This includes periods of annual leave, public holidays, sickness absence, maternity leave or other special leave but excludes probationary service.

1.16 No period which falls within the salary year in which the teacher is currently employed shall be taken into account in determining the point on the Main Grade Scale. The salary year runs from 1 August in any year until 31 July of the following year (as described in paragraph 1.4 above).

1.17 A qualifying period of teaching service comprises 26 weeks or more of teaching service obtained within a salary year. A salary point should be awarded for each qualifying period of teaching service.

A salary year in which less than 26 weeks of teaching service has been obtained is described as a partial salary year. Where a teacher’s record of service contains more than one partial salary year, the teaching service from the first partial salary year will be added to teaching service from the following such year(s), whether consecutive or not, until it equals or exceeds 26 weeks. Where this total is achieved, a salary point will be awarded.

This process will be repeated, as necessary, for any remaining salary years in the teacher’s record of service. It is, however, subject to the condition that teaching service cannot be carried forward beyond the salary year in which service has contributed to a salary point being awarded.

1.18 The Main Grade Scale came into effect on 1 August 2003.

1.19 Teaching service includes:

1.19.1 Employment as a teacher:

(a) in or in connection with a council educational establishment in Scotland or elsewhere in the European Union; or an educational institution which is grant-aided, grant-maintained, self-governing or recognised by a Government department in Scotland or elsewhere in the European Union; or

(b) by a council, elsewhere than in educational establishments, under an arrangement made under Section 14 of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980.

1.19.2 Employment as a lecturer in a college of further education, university or university college in Scotland or elsewhere in the European Union.

1.19.3 Employment by a council as a director, depute director or assistant director of education, education officer or other similar post, educational psychologist, quality improvement manager, quality improvement officer, education support officer or a registered teacher in an administrative post which relates wholly or mainly to education.

1.19.4 Absence from teaching employment during which time a teacher remained in the employment of a council or school and, with the consent of the employer, attended a course of teacher training.

1.19.5 Employment, as a teacher or teaching assistant, under an official scheme of interchange or exchange with another country.

1.19.6 Other teaching employment which the council is satisfied should be accepted in whole or in part.

1.20 In situations where there is a gap of 10 years or more between leaving and returning to teaching service, previous service will be taken into account at the employer’s discretion.

Awarding Additional Salary Points for Relevant Experience

1.21 Recognised non-teaching experience includes periods of employment and of voluntary or other non-paid activities such as:

1.21.1 experience which is relevant to the subject being taught – for example, an industrial chemist teaching chemistry; and

1.21.2 more general ‘life skills’ which have a bearing on the depth or quality of teaching being offered – for example, where someone has previously been involved in aspects of children’s care or in education and training, whether in the workplace or in educational establishments.

1.22 For recognised non-teaching experience, the following additional salary points should be awarded:

Recognised experience of up to 5 years = 1 point.

Recognised experience of over 5 and up to 10 years = 2 points.

Recognised experience of over 10 and up to 15 years = 3 points.

Recognised experience of over 15 years = 4 points.

1.23 A council may increase the salary of a teacher if, in the particular circumstances of the post, it considers the salary to be inadequate. Such placement will not necessarily be accepted as applicable in respect of future employment with another council. This provision shall not be applied to effect a general increase in the salaries of a particular category of post. (See also Paragraph 1.69).

Chartered Teachers

1.24 The salary spine for chartered teachers is set out in Appendix 2.1.

1.25 Teachers undertaking an accredited Chartered Teacher Programme will receive one salary increment on the Chartered Teacher Spine for every two modules successfully completed. On notification from the GTCS that a teacher has completed the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th or 12th module of the Chartered Teacher Programme, the employing council shall apply additional increment(s), with effect from the first day of the month following the date shown on the GTCS certificate.

The Position of Teachers formerly Assistant Principal and Senior Teachers

1.26 Teachers who were formerly Assistant Principal and Senior Teachers were assimilated to Point 3 of the Chartered Teacher Spine. The following provisions apply:

1.26.1 Those teachers who go on to undertake the Chartered Teacher Programme will remain on Point 3 until the completion of the 8th Chartered Teacher Module, following which salary progression will be as specified in paragraph 1.25 above.

1.26.2 Those teachers who don’t go on to undertake the Chartered Teacher Programme will remain, for salary purposes, on Point 3 of the Chartered Teacher Spine.

1.26.3 1.26.1 and 1.26.2 above also apply in circumstances where a teacher moves for any reason to a teacher post in another school, whether in the same council or another council.

Principal Teachers, Depute Headteachers and Headteachers

1.27 The salary spines for principal teachers, depute headteachers and headteachers can be found in Appendix 2.1.

1.28 For salary purposes, promoted postholders are placed on the appropriate point on the appropriate salary spine as determined by the job sizing process. The job sizing process is set out in Appendix 2.2.

1.29 Councils will supply promoted postholders with information about their scores in each section of the Job Sizing Toolkit, a total score and a salary based on total score. Where applicable, promoted postholders will also be advised of their conserved salaries.

1.30 Job sizing co-ordinators should be selected from a pool nominated by both the council and the teacher trade unions on behalf of the LNCT

1.31 Review of promoted posts is subject to the conditions and criteria as set out in Appendix 2.3.

1.32 A review can be initiated either by the postholder or the council. Music Instructors

1.33 Music instructors should be paid according to the Music Instructor Scale (set out in Appendix 2.1). Placement on the scale is determined by paragraphs 1.34 to 1.42 below.

Entering Music Instruction within a Council for the First Time

1.34 Music instructors, on entering the profession, should be placed on Point 1 of the Music Instructor Scale or at a higher point where additional salary points are awarded in accordance with paragraphs 1.38 to 1.42 below.

Returning to Employment as a Music Instructor within a Council

1.35 A music instructor returning to employment should be placed on the same point of the Music Instructor Scale as he/she occupied immediately prior to leaving, with the addition of salary points awarded for the period of absence (in accordance with paragraphs 1.38 to 1.42 below).

1.36 A music instructor returning to employment as an instructor, who had not been placed previously on the current Music Instructor Scale, should be placed at Point 1 or higher, in accordance with paragraphs 1.38 to 1.42 below.

1.37 A council will normally accept as accurate the record of service of the music instructor, and the calculation made to place the music instructor on the Music Instructor Scale, by the council with whom the music instructor was last employed.

Awarding Additional Points for Service as a Music Instructor

1.38 A week of service comprises any week in which a music instructor is employed by a council. This including periods of annual leave, public holidays, sickness absence, maternity leave or other special leave, regardless of the number of hours worked.

1.39 No period which falls within the salary year in which the music instructor is currently employed shall be taken into account in determining the point on the scale. The salary year runs from 1 August in any year until 31 July of the following year.

1.40 A qualifying period of service comprises 26 weeks or more of service obtained within a salary year. A salary point should be awarded for each qualifying period of service. A salary year in which less than 26 weeks of service has been obtained is described as a partial salary year.

Where a record of service contains more than one partial salary year, the service from the first partial salary year will be added to service from the following such year(s), whether consecutive or not, until the total first equals or exceeds 26 weeks. Where this total is achieved a salary point will be awarded.

This process will be repeated as necessary for any remaining salary years in the music instructor’s record of service. It is, however, subject to the condition that service cannot be carried forward beyond the salary year in which service has contributed to a salary point being awarded.

1.41 Service as a music instructor includes:

1.41.1 Employment as a music instructor in or in connection with a council educational establishment in Scotland or elsewhere in the European Union; or an educational institution which is grant aided, grant maintained, self governing or recognised by a government department in Scotland or elsewhere in the European Union.

1.41.2 Absence from employment as a music instructor during which time the employee remained in the employment of a council or school and, with the consent of the employer, attended a course relevant to such employment.

1.41.3 Other employment which the council is satisfied should be accepted in whole or in part.

1.42 In situations where there is a gap of 10 years or more between leaving and returning to service, it will be at the employer’s discretion whether previous service is taken into account.

Incremental Progression for Teachers on the Main Grade Scale and Music Instructors

1.43 All teachers on the Main Grade Scale and music instructors are entitled to a salary increment at 1 August, provided they have 26 weeks of qualifying service (as defined in paragraph 1.57 below) in the previous year of salary.

Educational Psychologists, Senior Educational Psychologists, Depute Principal Educational Psychologists and Principal Educational Psychologists

1.44 The salary scale, salary point and salary spine for educational psychologists, senior educational psychologists, depute principal educational psychologists and educational principal psychologists, respectively, are set out in Appendix 2.1.

1.45 For salary purposes all educational psychologists should be placed on the Educational Psychologist Scale. Educational psychologists who have not achieved chartered status should be placed on Point 0 (the Inductee point). On achievement of chartered status, an educational psychologist should be moved to Point 1 of the Scale and should receive backdated payment, for the difference in salary between Point 0 and Point 1, to the date on which he/she assumes the full range of duties for the post.

1.46 Salary placement of chartered educational psychologists will normally recognise previous service as an educational psychologist within councils.

1.47 At 1 August of each year educational psychologists on the Scale, except for those on Point 0, should be progressed one point on the Scale provided they have 26 weeks of qualifying service (as defined in paragraph 1.57 below) in the previous year of salary.

1.48 For salary purposes, senior educational psychologists should be placed on the Senior Educational Psychologist Point (set out in Appendix 2.1).

1.49 Depute principals and principals should be placed on the Depute Principals and Principals Spine, as set out in Appendix 2.1. Placement is determined by the job size score for the management post. The process and criteria for job sizing should be applied as set out in Appendix 2.4.

Education Support Officers, Quality Improvement Officers and Quality Improvement Managers

1.50 For salary purposes, education support officers should be placed on the Education Support Officer Scale as set out at Appendix 2.1.

1.51 Initial placement of education support officers will normally be at Point 1 of the Scale, unless a higher point is considered appropriate due to recognised experience.

1.52 At 1 August of each year all education support officers will be progressed one point on the Scale provided they have 26 weeks of qualifying service (as defined in paragraph 1.57 below) in the previous salary year.

1.53 For salary purposes, quality improvement officers should be placed on the Quality Improvement Officer Scale which is set out in Appendix 2.1.

1.54 Initial placement of quality improvement officers will normally be at Point 1 of the Scale unless a higher point is considered appropriate due to recognised experience.

1.55 At 1 August of each year all quality improvement officers will be progressed one point on the Scale, provided they have 26 weeks of qualifying service (as defined in paragraph 1.57 below) in the previous salary year.

1.56 For salary purposes, quality improvement managers should be paid on the Quality Improvement Manager Point as set out at Appendix 2.1.

Qualifying Service

1.57 A week’s qualifying service comprises any week of employment by a council. This includes periods of annual leave, public holidays, sickness absence, maternity leave or other special leave, regardless of the number of hours worked.

Acting Appointments

1.58 Where a teacher is appointed on a temporary basis to carry out the duties of a promoted postholder in a school, education establishment or education team, pending a permanent appointment to the promoted post or in place of a teacher who is temporarily absent, the council shall increase the teacher’s salary to the salary for the post.

If the teacher is already employed in that school, education establishment or education team there is no additional salary entitlement until she/he has been in the acting post for 20 days. The 20 days do not have to be consecutive. Once the teacher has been employed for 20 working days, payment is made for those 20 days and every subsequent day employed in the post.

1.59 If the teacher is again employed in an acting capacity in the same post, and six months has elapsed since the teacher left the post, the 20 working day requirement will apply once more.


1.60 Conservation for Promoted Post Holders in Post appointed on or after 1 April 2001

A promoted post holder appointed on or after 1 April 2001 and;

(a) whose post has been re-sized and the salary has been downgraded; or

(b) who is transferred, for reasons other than inefficiency or indiscipline, to another post which has a lower salary; shall receive a three year period of cash conservation (as defined in paragraph 1.62 below).

1.61 Conservation for Promoted Post Holders with Temporary Appointments

Where a teacher has occupied a promoted post, on a temporary basis, for two or more consecutive school years and that temporary appointment ceases, then the teacher shall receive a three-year period of cash conservation (as defined in paragraph 1.62 below).

1.62 Application of Cash Conservation

The application of cash conservation will commence at the date at which the downgrading of the salary for the post, transfer or cessation of temporary appointment takes effect. During the three-year period of cash conservation, the post holder will continue to receive his/her previous salary but will not receive any increase resulting from pay awards (other than in the circumstances outlined in 1.64 below). At the end of the three-year period the cash conservation will end and the post holder will then receive the normal salary for the post she/he now holds.

1.63 Conservation for Promoted Post Holders appointed before 1 April 2001

A promoted post holder appointed to a post before 1 April 2001 and;

(a) whose post has been re-sized and the salary has been downgraded; or

(b) who is transferred, for reasons other than inefficiency or indiscipline, to another post, which has a lower salary;

shall continue to receive her/his previous salary and will continue to receive any increase resulting from pay awards.

Conservation – General Provisions

1.64 During any period of conservation, when the normal salary for the post occupied exceeds the conserved salary being paid (for example, through the application of pay awards), the post holder will receive the normal salary for the post with effect from that date.

1.65 Conservation of salary will cease following voluntary application for, and appointment to, a new post.

1.66 There shall be no entitlement to conservation of salary where;

(a) a teacher is transferred and ceases to be entitled to receive a remote school/distant island allowance payable (in terms of paragraph 1.67 below) or suffers a reduction in the amount of such an allowance; or

(b) a teacher refuses unreasonably, on two occasions, to accept an alternative equivalent, or better, post.

Remote Schools, Distant Islands and Residential Special Schools

1.67 The method of determination, and the application of the allowances payable, to teachers working in Remote Schools, Distant Islands and Residential Special Schools are provided at Appendix 2.5. The current allowance rates are at Appendix 2.5 Annex A.

Special Circumstances

1.68 Where a teacher is appointed to a promoted post with a view to preparing for the opening of a new school/the expansion of an existing school, or where a teacher already serving in the school is required to make the preparations and is to continue to serve in the post after the opening of the school/while the expansion is taking place, the salary of the teacher may be increased by such amount as the council consider appropriate.

1.69 A council may increase the salary of an employee if, in the particular circumstances of the post, it considers the salary to be inadequate. This provision shall not be applied to effect a general increase in the salaries of a particular category of post.

1.70 Where a teacher has been appointed to a post not described in Section 2 (Main Duties) of this Scheme but the duties of the post are considered by the council to be similar to the duties of a post described in the Scheme, the provisions in this Section shall apply.

1.71 A teacher or associated professional leaving the service of a council without having given notice of termination of contract (in terms of the contract of service), shall be paid salary up to and including the last day on which the teacher is available for duty.

Death in Service

1.72 For teachers and associated professionals, salary shall be paid up to and including the date of death.

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