Appendix 2.3

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The SNCT Handbook of Conditions of Service

Table of Contents


1. The size of promoted posts will be subject to review where the review criteria are met. If the review results in a change in the job size score which takes a post into a lower or higher score banding there will be a change of salary point.

2. There are two points in the year at which a review can be triggered. The main review time is at, or around, the end of the school session (to be implemented from 1 August). However, to take account of other changes that may arise, a further opportunity to request a review of the post in December (effective from 1 February) is available. Under normal circumstances a post can only be reviewed once in any twelve month period.

3. The criteria set out in Annex A to this Appendix refer to the items in the job sizing toolkit and should be read in conjunction with the questionnaire and explanatory notes provided at Appendix 2.2 Annex A.

4. In looking at the review criteria it is important to consider all changes to the post. Using the criteria as a guide, when changes occur, will reduce the number of unnecessary reviews that take place. Changes in the allocation of responsibilities may trigger the need to check other posts in the school against the criteria for review.

5. Criteria are graded A, B or C depending on the likely effect they will have on the overall score for a post. Type A changes will automatically lead to a review. Type B changes will require at least one other change of type B or two other changes of type C before a review will take place. Type C changes require at least three other changes of type C to initiate a review.

6. Some changes only apply to certain posts. This is based on whether or not the particular section of the questionnaire impacts on the size of that type of post. Where this is the case, the posts that would be affected by the change are highlighted.

7. Where a postholder believes a review appears appropriate they should initially discuss this with their headteacher or manager. Where the council believes there is a need for a review this should be discussed with the postholder.

8. Once the criteria are met, the postholder will complete a new job sizing questionnaire in full, prior to the appropriate review date. The completed questionnaire will then be processed through the toolkit towards the end of the session/early in the summer break or after the Christmas break and any resulting change in salary point, either an increase or decrease in the substantive pay point, will be effective from 1 August or 1 February.

9. Where an occupied post is to be reviewed, the postholder should complete the questionnaire. It should then be signed off, first by the headteacher and then by a job-sizing co-ordinator.

10. Where a vacant post is to be reviewed, the questionnaire should be completed by the headteacher or senior manager and signed off by a job-sizing co-ordinator.